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Strengthen partners with organisational development

Strong NGOs in the global south are an important factor in poverty reduction and sustainable development. I support your organization in further developing its partnership model. Accompanying the partner organizations in their institutional development requires staying power and concrete milestones. I offer you advice, support and expertise in the following topics:


Organizational development (OD): External actors can only make a limited contribution to the development of organizations. Institutional change can be initiated and accompanied from the outside, but sustainable changes only materialize if they are shaped and supported by the people who make up an organization. Nevertheless, partner organizations can be supported in their OD process, especially with regard to the following eight organizational capacities: human resources, organizational structure and culture, financial management, business development, external communication, information technology, infrastructure and equipment, and planning , monitoring & evaluation.


Strategic planning: Organizations use strategic planning to shape their medium-term development, usually for the next five years. Strategic planning is a participatory process within an organization, the result of which is a strategic plan that includes the following elements:

  • the formulation of a mission (who are we?), a vision (what do we want?) and values ​​(how do we orient ourselves?);

  • a context analysis with the external challenges relevant to the organization including a stakeholder, gender, diversity and conflict analysis;

  • a theory of change and a program portfolio;

  • a business model that shows how the organization will sustainably fund its program and structure;

  • an OD plan that describes important strategic initiatives to develop organizational capacities;

  • a statement on leadership and governance.


Theory of change: The theory of change approach is suitable for both programs and organizations as a model for explaining how higher-level results are to be achieved and under what conditions and assumptions this can be done. Participatory workshops for the development of a theory of change are inspiring moments in which those involved agree on common goals and on the basis of which an organization can focus and grow. The development of a theory of change also includes the development of the spectrum of services and / or products of the organization, often referred to as a program portfolio.


I am using the following handbook: Michael Allison & Jude Kaye (2015): Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations. A Practical Guide for Dynamic Times. Third Edition: Wiley, New Jersey.

For Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, I follow the IFRC's National Society Development Framework (2013).

©2020 by Thomas Gass

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